Friday, 31 July 2015

Communication skills

"Your deeds are your monuments"
Walt  write what the quote means to you
I learnt more about myself  and how I want to be remembered by
My ideas on what  I what to be remembered for


  1. Good work Noah! You became more of a better person if that's possible LOL keep up the good work

  2. You wrote a wonderful piece of writing Noah I like because it has everything a blog needs.No wishes needed!

  3. Noah this post has everything a blog needs to make a perfect piece of writing LOL!

  4. You're a very mature and analytical thinker. There's a lot of strong morality in your writing and it's both simple and inspirational at the same time. Reading your definition of what the quote means to you makes an excellent 'thought for the day' and I shall be musing on this and your ideas for the rest of the morning now.

    Maribeth Curley @ UP Communication
